Dr. Bell Discusses Bell & Bell Dentistry’s Approach in Treating Sleep Apnea
David Bell:
We let them know that probably a sleep deficiency is one of the greatest undiagnosed medical problems in the United States. People don’t even know that until it reaches a point where somebody has to tell them, or they can’t stay awake during the day and they know something serious is … now, there are very much different degrees of sleep apnea. Some of them we can treat very simply with an oral appliance, and we can do much with that.
But also, there’s neurological problems involved, and you have to differentiate, and even though we may not do that part of it, we have to be cognizant enough to know when we need any additional help, or to refer to that place first and then combine our treatments together. It is not just a one-stop deal at all, and it has to be looked into pretty seriously.
We’re not in the business of selling appliances, we’re in the business of getting the correct diagnosis and see it if there’s one way, two ways, or a combination of ways to do it.